225416 in pincode details of post office Dandoopur B.O

Post office Dandoopur B.O
Pin code 225416
Office type B.O
Taluk / city Haider Garh
District name Barabanki
State name Uttar Pradesh
Delivery status Delivery
Division name Barabanki
Region name Lucknow HQ
Circle name Uttar Pradesh
Related sub office Asandra S.O
Related head office Barabanki H.O

List of post office with similar pincode Dandoopur B.O

Pincode Post office name City District State
225416 Asandra S.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Dandoopur B.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Dharoopur B.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Gajpatipur B.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Jarauli B.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Jargawan B.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Mansara B.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Motikpur B.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Paigamberpur B.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Poore Chandraman B.O Haider Garh Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Tikariya Saidkhanpur B.O Nawabganj Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Kheorajpur B.O Ram Sanehi Ghat Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Silhaur B.O Ram Sanehi Ghat Barabanki Uttar Pradesh
225416 Dhanauli B.O Ramsanehighat Barabanki Uttar Pradesh